


An explorer by nature, 雷切尔布朗 traversed the Chesapeake region and beyond as a student leader of 斯塔尔 Center oral history projects and summer sailing trips.

A big break came just before graduation, when Susan Goldberg, editor in chief of 国家地理他是斯塔尔中心的客人. 在和学生们的小晚餐结束时 and faculty at the Custom 房子, Goldberg gave Brown her business card. 工作机会 不久之后. Brown is now an associate editor and producer of the legendary magazine's digital travel content -- assigning, creating, and editing reportage that spans the 全球.

The 斯塔尔 Center's role went far beyond that professional connection, Brown says. In her freshman year, she'd worked on a project with other students researching and writing biographies of African American Civil War soliders. “这是第一次 that I had ever got to combine two things that I was passionate about: rigorous academic 研究和创造性地讲故事,”她说. “这正是我想做的 我现在的生活." Soon, she became deeply involved in the 斯塔尔 Center's oral history program, StoryQuest: "Oral history was beautiful because it helped me find the little 人类互动中的点点诗意. 它教会了我作为团队的一员,去 做事有条理,细心. Oral history wasn't just about a grade -- I needed to treat another person's entire life story with care and respect."

In 2020, Brown was named a rising star in media by FIPP, a member organization for 杂志出版商. As part of her award, Brown will serve for one year on FIPP's 董事会. 读 这里是对她的采访, 在她提到她的地方serendipitous" meeting with Susan Goldberg at 九州娱乐官网. 

今天,布朗的作品吸引了更多的观众. 在其他角色中 国家地理, she produces a travel newsletter that reaches more than a million readers every 周. "The more time I spend thinking about what's really important to me," she says, "the more it really comes down to openhearted, energetic, clear-eyed engagement with 故事,并找到帮助讲述故事的方法."


历史创造者:Jack Bohrer '06

杰克·波尔创造历史的意义不止一个. 作为纽约的资深制片人 for MSNBC's "Morning Joe," he covers presidential campaigns and political crises. "I'm watching the first draft of history get put together," he says. “这就是我 每天做. I've worked with all of the major presidential candidates in two election 周期. I have opportunities to ask questions of the most powerful people in the country, and of those aspiring to be the most powerful person in the world."

Bohrer is also an accomplished chronicler of political stories from the past. 作为一个 九州娱乐官网 undergraduate, he began researching America in the 1960s, developing 对罗伯特。F. 肯尼迪的工作,他收到了一个学生 奖学金. He fondly recalls writing late into the night at a desk in the Custom 房子. He also benefited from the guidance of two treasured mentors: former senator Birch Bayh and the legendary biographer and political journalist Richard Ben Cramer, 都是斯塔尔中心的高级研究员.

Several years ago, Bohrer developed his historical research project into a book, The Revolution of Robert Kennedy: From Power to Protest After JFK,由布鲁姆斯伯里出版社出版. The book "is tightly packed with detail, much of it fascinating 甚至感动。 华盛顿邮报》的评论家.

"Every time a project comes across my desk in the newsroom, the intellectual reflexes I learned at the 斯塔尔 Center kick in," Bohrer says. 例如,他引用了一句格言 that he learned at the Center -- "follow the footnotes" -- as an idea that guides 他在寻找新闻来源. “历史和新闻都是关于拥有的 文件来支持事情,”他解释道. “你是怎么知道的? 是真的? 你怎么证明呢? 如何通过关注小故事来讲述一个大故事 时刻? I never took a single journalism course, but what I learned through the 斯塔尔 中心同样有价值."



From the classroom to the Cabinet Room to the nonprofit 董事会 room. 在过去 eight years, Taylor Frey ’17, has had a whirlwind of experiences that have informed where he is today:  a Global Talent Program Manager for Fortive - a leading Fortune 500 start-up company - and a resident of Chestertown again.  

“In my first two roles with Fortive, I travelled across the country recruiting top MBA talent and helped transform HR technology globally. 我还担任过代表 on Habitat for Humanity’s US Advisory Board during this time.他说. “在我的新 role, I plan and execute priority initiatives in the talent management space, including growing a workforce that is competitive and diverse.” 

After being West Coasters for the last few years, Frey and his wife, Jenna Carpenter ’17, jumped at the chance to move back East when the opportunity to work entirely 远程呈现. “We love the slower pace and the small-town experience.” 

Frey, who earned his degree in political science and American studies, says the experiential learning he enjoyed as a student helped get him where he is today. “各种各样的机会 在九州娱乐官网提供的机会简直不可思议.弗雷说,他能够发挥杠杆作用 the networks of both the 斯塔尔 Center and the College to build an impressive resume. “The support and mentoring I received from the team at the 斯塔尔 Center were exactly 我所需要的. They helped prepare me for an interview that successfully landed me an internship in The White 房子 Office of Cabinet Affairs with the Obama administration.”

作为一个n intern with the 斯塔尔 Center, working on the George Washington Prize, Frey also attended the play “Hamilton” and met playwriter and prize winner Lin-Manuel Miranda. Those opportunities informed Frey’s advice to current students, with the benefit of a few years removed: “You will never be an undergraduate again. 摆脱困境 路径. 享受专业以外的课程和经历. 这是一个伟大的事情 博雅教育. That 400-level art course took me outside of my comfort 他教我问问题.”